05 8月 On the Road Again
Some observations made during a recent
330-mile road trip to visit relatives in Washington:
・% of people traveling over the 70 mph speed limit: maybe 70%
・Number of giant camping trailers that passed me at over 70 mph: maybe 150
・Country music radio stations listened to: 1
・Number of road kill observed: 1 (a small squirrel?)
・Number of times my car’s AI suggested I take a break from driving: 2
・Rest stops attempted: 1
・Successful rest stops made: 0 (unable to rest, or stop, due to crowds)
・Under a strange red-colored sky, the number of times my car was soiled by ash from wildfires: 1
・Number of Canadian TV broadcasts watched: 3
・Number of pairs of shoes brought on trip: 1 (tennis shoes)
・Number of burritos consumed: 4
・Number of bottles of Oregon pinot noir imbibed: 1 (Go Oregon!)
・Number of bottles of overpriced Oregon pinot noir imbibed: 1
・Hours spent worrying about bedbugs: many
・Actual number of bedbugs encountered: 0
Please note: the Oregon pinot noir was very good (thank you, cousin Donald!) and I did not drink and drive. The time spent off the road was very enjoyable, including the tennis. Thanks to all my wonderful relatives and the state of Washington.
August 5, 2024
先月、一族の集いがあり、アメリカ ワシントン州で530キロのドライブ旅行をしました。
・道路で轢かれ死んでいた動物の数:1匹(涙。小さなリス? アメリカではリスは鼠のような感覚の身近な “友だち” )
・休憩所 (rest stop) で休憩できた回数:0回(混雑のため休憩 (rest) や 停止 (stop) ができなかった)
・飲んだ高すぎるオレゴン州産ピノ・ノワールのボトル数:1本 (上記ボトルだっ!)