01 2月 The New Standard 新たな基準
I don’t normally like to admit to having heroes, but I would have to consider Ichiro a hero of mine, but for reasons only remotely related to baseball. Ichiro represented a new image for Japanese men worldwide. Up until Ichiro’s Major League Baseball debut in 2001, the typical Japanese man, as portrayed in Hollywood movies and worldwide media, was a clueless, indecisive, weak-willed, myopic, eyeglasses-wearing, buck-toothed, camera-toting, emasculated science nerd. In the 1961 movie Breakfast At Tiffany’s, Mickey Rooney’s portrayal of the character Mr. Yunioshi was an unfortunate enforcement of that stereotype. As a Japanese-American, I have been a victim of those stereotypes my entire life. I was teased as a child. As an adult, I have been discriminated against in more subtle ways by other adults.
Ichiro swept away all of those stereotypes. He didn’t wear eyeglasses. He didn’t have any orthodontic issues. He cultivated a rakish growth of stubble on his face. He was cool, confident and collected. And he was a batter, not a pitcher. He wasn’t a home run slugger, but he was an aggressive batter, swatting the ball to all areas of the field. He won two American League batting titles and was respected by his peers.
Congratulations to Ichiro for his induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame.
February 1, 2025
イチロー選手は、そういった固定観念をすべて払拭した! 眼鏡をかけていなかった。歯列矯正の問題もなかった。顔には粋な無精ひげを生やしていた。冷静で自信に満ち、落ち着いていた。そして、彼は投手ではなく打者だった。ホームランを量産するタイプの強打者ではなかったが、攻撃的で、野球場のあらゆる場所にボールを叩きつける打者であった。打撃タイトルに2度輝き、みんなから尊敬された。